

Here you can find installer packages and binaries for Boomack.


On Windows the Boomack Server and Client CLI can be installed with an MSI installer package. The package can be downloaded here. You can find the current release under Latest Release. If you need to download an older version for some reason, you can find a history of older releases under Release History.

Notice: When you download the MSI installer package for Windows, it is by default marked as unsafe for execution because it originates from the internet. To remove this mark open the file properties — right mouse click on the file → Properties — click on the Unblock checkbox on the bottom of the General tab, then click on OK.

Latest Release

The version of the latest release is 0.14.0.

Release History

The following table contains a list of all releases as Windows Installer packages so far. The first column shows the release version of the installer package and in the last two columns, the versions of the included software components.

Installer Version Download Components
Name Version
0.14.0 32Bit NodeJS 18.16.0
64Bit Boomack Server 0.14.5
Boomack Server PlugIn Vega 0.12.2
Boomack Server PlugIn Mermaid 0.1.3
Boomack Server PlugIn Leaflet 0.2.1
Boomack Server PlugIn PDF 0.1.0
Boomack Server PlugIn MQTT 0.1.0
Boomack Fast Client CLI 0.4.0
Boomack Katapult 0.2.0
0.13.4 32Bit NodeJS 18.15.0
64Bit Boomack Server 0.13.3
Boomack Server PlugIn Vega 0.12.2
Boomack Server PlugIn Mermaid 0.1.3
Boomack Server PlugIn Leaflet 0.2.1
Boomack Server PlugIn PDF 0.1.0
Boomack Server PlugIn MQTT 0.1.0
Boomack Fast Client CLI 0.3.3
Boomack Katapult 0.2.0
0.13.3 32Bit NodeJS 18.14.2
64Bit Boomack Server 0.13.2
Boomack Server PlugIn Vega 0.12.2
Boomack Server PlugIn Mermaid 0.1.3
Boomack Server PlugIn Leaflet 0.2.1
Boomack Server PlugIn PDF 0.1.0
Boomack Server PlugIn MQTT 0.1.0
Boomack Fast Client CLI 0.3.2
Boomack Katapult 0.2.0
0.13.2 32Bit NodeJS 18.14.2
64Bit Boomack Server 0.13.1
Boomack Server PlugIn Vega 0.12.0
Boomack Server PlugIn Mermaid 0.1.1
Boomack Server PlugIn Leaflet 0.2.1
Boomack Server PlugIn PDF 0.1.0
Boomack Server PlugIn MQTT 0.1.0
Boomack Fast Client CLI 0.3.1
Boomack Katapult 0.2.0
0.13.0 32Bit NodeJS 18.14.2
64Bit Boomack Server 0.13.1
Boomack Server PlugIn Vega 0.12.0
Boomack Server PlugIn Mermaid 0.1.1
Boomack Server PlugIn Leaflet 0.2.1
Boomack Server PlugIn PDF 0.1.0
Boomack Server PlugIn MQTT 0.1.0
Boomack Fast Client CLI 0.2.0
Boomack Katapult 0.2.0

Boomack Client CLI (Windows)

If you like to download only the Boomack Client CLI boom.exe for XCOPY deployment, select the version and architecture from the following table.

Version Architecture Download
latest x86
0.4.0 x86
0.3.3 x86
0.3.2 x86
0.3.1 x86

You can use the following Windows PowerShell 5 script to download and extract the latest boom.exe to the current working directory:

$arch = if ([System.Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem) { "x64" } else { "x86" }
$url = "$"

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile ""
Expand-Archive -Path "" -DestinationPath . -Force
Remove-Item -Path ""


If you like to install Boomack Server on Linux or Mac OS, you can use the NodeJS package manager npm.

Boomack Server

Boomack Server is written in TypeScript/JavaScript for NodeJS. Therefore, on Linux or Mac, the best way to install it is by installing the required NodeJS packages via npm globally. Globally installed NodeJS packages become available on the command line.

If you do not have NodeJS installed yet, try your package manager or checkout its download page.

Check the version of your NodeJS on the command line with node --version. It should be at least version 10. Every LTS release with a higher version number should do as well. The package manager npm should be installed as well. You can check with npm --version. If the version number is printed, npm is available.

Then install the required NodeJS packages with npm globally. Optionally install some official plug-ins as well.

The command for installing a package globally is npm install --global <package name> or in short npm i -g <package name>.

The following packages belong to the Boomack ecosystem.

Component Package ID
Boomack Server boomack
Boomack Client CLI boomack-cli
Plug-In Vega / Vega Lite boomack-plugin-vega
Plug-In Mermaid boomack-plugin-mermaid
Plug-In Leaflet boomack-plugin-leaflet
Plug-In PDF boomack-plugin-pdf
Plug-In MQTT boomack-plugin-mqtt
Katapult boomack-katapult

To install everything at once, you can use the following command:

Shell / Command Line
npm i -g boomack boomack-cli boomack-plugin-vega boomack-plugin-mermaid boomack-plugin-leaflet boomack-plugin-pdf boomack-plugin-mqtt boomack-katapult
Important: Do not install the NodeJS package boomack-cli if you like to use the faster Rust based Boomack Client CLI.

Boomack Client CLI (Linux)

To install or update the Boomack Client CLI on Linux, use the following one-liner. It will download the compressed binary, verify the checksum, extract the archive, and install the binary into /usr/local/bin.

wget -q -O - | sh

If you like to download the boom binary for your platform directly, use the following table to find the right architecture and OS for your use case and then select a matching download in the table below.

Architecture OS Description Examples
i686 GNU 32 Bit GNU based Linux on x86 processor Most Linux distributions: Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, RHEL, Arch, …
x86_64 GNU 64 Bit GNU based Linux on x86 processor (AMD64) Most Linux distributions: Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, RHEL, Arch, …
x86_64 musl 64 Bit non-GNU based Linux Alpine, distroless Docker
armv6 GNU 32 Bit GNU based Linux on ARM v6 Raspberry PI 1, Zero
armv7 GNU 32 Bit GNU based Linux on ARM v7 or higher Raspberry PI 2, 3, 4, Zero 2
aarch64 Android 64 Bit Android Linux on ARM 64 Termux
Version Architecture OS Download
latest i686 GNU boom.gz, sha256
x86_64 GNU boom.gz, sha256
x86_64 musl boom.gz, sha256
armv6 GNU boom.gz, sha256
armv7 GNU boom.gz, sha256
aarch64 Android boom.gz, sha256
0.4.0 i686 GNU boom.gz, sha256
x86_64 GNU boom.gz, sha256
x86_64 musl boom.gz, sha256
armv6 GNU boom.gz, sha256
armv7 GNU boom.gz, sha256
aarch64 Android boom.gz, sha256
0.3.3 i686 GNU boom.gz, sha256
x86_64 GNU boom.gz, sha256
x86_64 musl boom.gz, sha256
armv6 GNU boom.gz, sha256
armv7 GNU boom.gz, sha256
aarch64 Android boom.gz, sha256
0.3.2 i686 GNU boom.gz, sha256
x86_64 GNU boom.gz, sha256
x86_64 musl boom.gz, sha256
armv6 GNU boom.gz, sha256
armv7 GNU boom.gz, sha256
aarch64 Android boom.gz, sha256
0.3.1 i686 GNU boom.gz, sha256
x86_64 GNU boom.gz, sha256
x86_64 musl boom.gz, sha256
armv6 GNU boom.gz, sha256
armv7 GNU boom.gz, sha256
aarch64 Android boom.gz, sha256